Archie Willams High SchoolMountain Bike Team
Falcons Get Ready for More Racing:
Thank you Falcon Nation! YOU are the AWMTB machine that cranks out Race Day Smiles! Keep Cranking!
More Racing!
Get your Mess Kit packed and ready for next race
Start packing things to bring to next race, make a list
Bike, Helmet, Shoes, Team Jersey
Everything else
Check on your lodging, time off from work
Don't Forget.
Ride your bike
Register at NICA
Ride your bike
Visit your Doctor and get Medical Clearance
Is My rider good enough to join the AWMTB Bike Team?
The bike team welcomes all folks who love to ride and looks forward to teaching riders to race.
How are riders assessed?
At the beginning of each season the team does a time trial ride up Loma Alta in Fairfax. This allows the coaches to assign riders to groups based on their riding ability. Those groups will then ride together for the season.
Can a rider move up in a group? Yes, with coach permission.
Can a rider ride with a group they are not in? Yes, with coach permission.
If I miss the time trial, how do I know what group I am in?
It is strongly recommended that if you are a new rider, you attend the time trial. If this is not possible you should speak to your coaches for assessment and placement.
What are the groups?
Pink – Highest level of performance and endurance
Blue – High level of performance, high endurance
Green – Moderate level of performance and endurance
Purple – Beginner level of performance, moderate endurance.
If you still have questions about our system please do not hesitate to ask a coach.
2023 Season Gallery
In case you are unsure how much fun it is.